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26 Jan, 2024 Zofia Todd Culture A large arch over the road on the way to town announces, ‘Bienvenidos a Peñas’. It feels out of place in this nearly empty part of the Altiplano. To the left is a sprawl of rock formations, looking ready for climbing. To the right is the... + más
26 Jan, 2024 Zofia Todd Culture For those looking to dip their toe in chilly high-altitude waters, this challenging trek provides spectacular views of the Cordillera Real. Following a two-hour drive from La Paz, it is a three-hour climb to the peak, sitting at 5,350m above sea... + más
Superior Taste Award 2021: Vital fue catalogada como “Sobresaliente” por un jurado de 200 chefs y sommeliers | News Time
26 Jan, 2024 Zofia Todd Tourism The Takesi Trail is a 40km stretch down an ancient Incan road, from the sparse landscape of the Altiplano to the rich forests of the Yungas Valley. This road was once used by Incan foot messengers, called chaskis, and later by the Spanish, who... + más
26 Jan, 2024 Zofia Todd Tourism The town of Rurrenabaque acts as Bolivia’s gateway to the Amazon rainforest and pampas. This is the place to discover Bolivia’s diverse wildlife. There are ample indigenous-run tour operators to choose from to visit both areas, and... + más
Rurrenabaque, a photo story / Rurrenabaque, un relato fotográfico | Bolivian Express
26 Jan, 2024 Zofia Todd Tourism Sucre is the true capital of Bolivia, with La Paz serving as the seat of government activity. And these two cities couldn’t be more different. The architecture of Sucre’s white colonial streets gives the city a quaint feel. The birthplace of... + más
26 Jan, 2024 Zofia Todd Culture Liita Gonzales grew up in El Alto, splitting time between the bustling city and the agricultural community of Cañaviri, an hour and a half away, nestled in the valley between the mountains of Condoriri and Huayna Potosí. Her father was a... + más
26 Jan, 2024 Zofia Todd Tourism Uyuni is known around the world for its famous salt flats. But while the Salar de Uyuni is certainly not to be missed, a three-day tour around the region proves there is more waiting to be discovered on the shores of the salt desert. Nearby... + más
Barrancas espera la liberación del padre secuestrado de Luis Díaz, estrella del Liverpool | La Patria
Los Gay Games llegan a Guadalajara: un hito para la diversidad sexual en México | La Patria
08 Aug, 2023 Olivia Millard Culture Home to 36 Indigenous cultures and their respective languages, the bridging of worlds is at the heart of Bolivian national identity. Cross-cultural relations have been a topic of national interest for decades, particularly following Evo... + más
Microsoft Word: los 15 trucos que no sabía y que le harán ver como el más experto | eju!
25 Feb, 2022 BX Crew Tourism Photos: Ivan RodriguezEnglish versionVilla Tunari reserves a large amount of flora and fauna that expands along the jungle, but when you get to this point, you realize that the infinite expanse of jungle is indescribable. For this reason, we invite... + más
Lluvia y apoyo de bomberos logra contener el incendio en el Lluvia y apoyo de bomberos | PAT
25 Feb, 2022 Bx crew Tourism Photos: Iván RodríguezEnglish versionFinding wonderful views just 15 minutes from the city is possible. If you have been to La Paz, you know that living surrounded by mountains gives possibilities of exploring them and finding endless viewpoints.... + más
25 Feb, 2022 BX Crew Tourism English versionIn this place, it would seem that the mountains have their own language, probably looking at them for more than 10 minutes continuously, they show you a profile, a living nature that tries to convey its message. Versión en españolEn... + más
25 Feb, 2022 BX Crew Tourism Photos: Ivan RodriguezEnglish versionNavigation on Lake Tumichucua is a daily trip for the locals, its cloudy but calm waters give you that shared feeling, between fear and peace. And for this reason it is easier to get on a small boat than to jump... + más
25 Feb, 2022 BX Crew Tourism Photos: Ivan RodriguezEnglish versionSud Yungas is home to small coffee plantations that live in the shade of various varieties of fruit trees. The road invites you to stop the car every 10 minutes to take photos hoping not to meet a couple in the... + más
25 Feb, 2022 Bx crew Tourism Photos: Iván RodriguezEnglish versionToro-Toro hides secrets from billions of years ago. The landscapes are paradisiacal, among all the chaos that its streets reveal in the center of its small town, just 20 minutes away, there are viewpoints that... + más
25 Feb, 2022 Bx Crew Tourism Photos: Changtse Quintanilla English versionFrom the Fort of Samaipata, to the vineyards spread over its small hills, this place is a Bolivian jewel. The attractiveness is part of a whole, the town has grown in an orderly and clean manner, and its... + más
25 Feb, 2022 Bx crew Tourism Photos: Ivan RodriguezEnglish versionThe markets illuminate the streets with the color of fruits, vegetables and dried meats are the key point in the conception of this city. Traders line the streets and give the wonder city a unique look and... + más
31 Oct, 2021 Nicole Marquez Art ENGLISH VERSIONWomen who nurture plantsThe bond of women with the earth, through knowledge about plants as part of the memory of their ancestors and the reconciliation with nature and therefore with their own being.Nature that is seen within them... + más
Beyond the Numbers | Bolivian Express
31 Oct, 2021 Tatiana Siles Joffré Art ENGLISH VERSION Everything has a value measured by its usefulness. And it only works when it can be measured. Death is not fragility. Just is. And vulnerability does not exist.Time exists. And time does not belong to anyone.The series... + más
31 Oct, 2021 Cecilia Bethencourt Art ENGLISH VERSIONThe speaking bodyMy work talks about the body. I use my own body, my emotions, thoughts, dreams as inspiration for photographic making ranging from collage self-portraits to double exposure, damaged images, reprints,... + más
31 Oct, 2021 Amapola Art ENGLISH VERSION- Claim the crying as the sea of my entrails -It comes from salt, I answered myself when they asked where the water was born. It is a wash, a move, a decision of the body to burst from so much power, not wanting to continue holding, of not... + más
30 Sep, 2021 María Mayböck Reviews Photo: Ivan Rodriguez ENGLISH VERSIONHow Transport Gives Life to a CityA blur of zipping cars, once covered in a brownish smoke cloud, now makes its way up the dizzying heights of a steep zigzagging road, reflecting the blinding sun against a... + más
¿Qué es el súper like de Tinder? | El Diario
30 Sep, 2021 Caroline Risacher Reviews Photo: Peter Rios ENGLISH VERSIONIn 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Bolivia signed the convention, but was one of the first countries at the time to remark that the... + más
3. ROOTS | Bolivian Express
30 Sep, 2021 Amelia Swaby Reviews ENGLISH VERSIONWildlife trafficking threatens the iconic jaguar International illegal wildlife trafficking now threatens the extinction of many species native to Bolivia. Birds are the most commonly trafficked animal, with approximately 4,000... + más
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