29 de abril de 2021 Página 1
11 Dec, 2019 Adriana L. Murillo A. Culture, Politics and History & Politics Image: Picture painted by Epifanio Garay 19th century El Libertador and his descendents The founder of Bolivia and one of the most relevant figures during the South American wars of independence, Simón... + más
25 Sep, 2019 Rhiannon Matthias The Arts, Lifestyle and Sports Photos: Rhiannon Matthias Empowerment and community When one thinks of female empowerment, perhaps pole dancing is the last thing that springs to mind. Pole dancing (the preferred term by practitioners is pole... + más
– Las tejedoras de Huari han trabajado casi un mes para proporcionar más de ocho metros de tejido de “kayto”. Lenka Nemer, la miss Bolivia con el traje de Waka Waka que expondrá en el Miss Universo/ Foto: Facebook Innovapress, 29 abr 2021.- “La fuerza de los andes”,... + más
02 Mar, 2020 Lauren Minion Social issues and Nature A female Andean Condor sweeps over herterritory in search of food, using warm aircurrents to save energy. Photos: Lauren Minion This big bird is threatened by habitat loss and human aggressionThe Andean Condor, one of the... + más
30 Jun, 2020 Marie de Lantivy Food Photos by : What’s Cooking Valentina - IGA rising female chef in Bolivia This article was originally published in the issue 82 of Bolivian Express. We all know women who cook: mothers, sisters, grandmothers, the woman around the corner who... + más
30 Sep, 2020 Lanny Grossman Reviews ENGLISH VERSIONOscar-Winning filmmaker Steven Soderbergh continues fight to have Singani officially recognised by the EEUU as the national spirit of BoliviaWhile filming the movie Che 12 years ago, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh... + más
31 Mar, 2020 Emma Hall Social issues and Reviews Illustration: Ema HallConnecting with menstruation through the cup During their lifetime a menstruating person will use and throw away approximately 11,000 pads and tampons. These pads and tampons come wrapped in pink plastic... + más
Micaela Pereira Aquino Laboratorio de Periodismo UCB Este 29 de abril es el Día Internacional de la Danza. Esta iniciativa surgió por la propuesta del Comité Internacional de la Danza a la Unesco en 1982. Se estableció esta fecha en conmemoración al natalicio de... + más
Taller intensivo para aprender desde la elongación hasta la danza contemporánea | El Día
23 Jul, 2018 Leigh Anderson Social issues and Politics Photo: Courtesy of Coordinadora de La MujerChallenges Bolivian women face in spite of equal representation in parliamentWith women holding 53.1% of the seats in parliament as of 2017, Bolivia ranks second in the world in... + más
La empresa Beyond Meat suministrará carne artificial para la nueva hamburguesa de McDonalds | El Periódico
03 Jan, 2020 Renata Lazcano Silva Culture and Art MIKO Studio during an exhibition. Photo: Salvador Saavedra The transmutation of a space to create more art and culture In the centre of La Paz are iconic museums, monuments and architecture, such as the San Francisco Church,... + más
11 Dec, 2019 Alexandra Meleán Reviews, Tourism and Food Photos: Michael Dunn Sopocachi’s new boîte features Bolivian food with a spicy twist The Sopocachi neighbourhood’s new kid Ahijada, or ‘goddaughter’ in Spanish, is the sister restaurant to the highly... + más
11 Dec, 2019 Anneli Aliaga Culture and Art Photos: Courtesy of Fundación Grupo Ukamau The continuing legacy of Jorge Sanjinés and the Grupo Ukamau’s combative cinema It is impossible to think and speak about Bolivian cinema without mentioning film director Jorge Sanjinés... + más
11 Dec, 2019 Silvia Saccardi Social issues and Lifestyle Photos: Courtesy of Hocico Spa & APLAB (Amor Por Los Animales Bolivia)Bolivian street dogs and the double lives they lead One of the first things that surprised me when I came to La Paz was the vast array of dogs roaming... + más
29 Dec, 2020 Rhiannon Matthias Social issues Photos: Rhiannon Matthias ENGLISH VERSIONAfro-Bolivians struggle for recognition of their place in Bolivian history This year marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of Law 200 of the Bolivian Constitution, which officially... + más
29 Aug, 2020 Alfonso Gorostiaga Tourism and Festivals Photos: Michael Dunn and Manuel Seoane ENGLISH VERSION‘El Gran Poder will be celebrated online’ reads the front page of the periodical ‘La Jornada’ on the 3rd of June, 2020, but beyond that, silence. Although the... + más
31 Dec, 1969 Lola Newell Culture, The Arts and Indigeneity Photos: Lola Newell Thanking Pachamama amongst the sculptures of Francine Secretan Throughout the month of August, Pachamama, the Andean earth-mother goddess, will receive thousands of offerings as gratitude for... + más
Carla Rojas destacó en el Concurso de Miniaturas de Alasitas en La Paz La reconocida artista plástica orureña, Carla Geraldine Rojas Galleguillos, recibió el premio como primer lugar en la categoría de Técnicas Mixtas del Concurso Municipal de Miniaturas de Alasitas 2021,... + más
Alcaldía lanza 22 concursos municipales | Página Siete
Deseos contra el covid-19 se hacen hueco entre las miniaturas del mercado de Alasitas en La Paz | El Potosí
28 Feb, 2021 Eleanor Henderson Nature Illustration: Yasser VargasPhoto: Iván Rodriguez ENGLISH VERSION Proving the park’s unmatched biodiversityThe journey from La Paz to the San José de Uchupiamonas community, in the heart of Madidi National Park, reinforces its... + más
IDENTIDAD MADIDI | Bolivian Express
26 Mar, 2018 Sophia Vahdati Going Out and Sports Photo: Iván Rodriguez Petkovic The drive and philosophy of the city’s fearless tracersPrepare, run, jump, soar, reach, kick, grab knees and…’Ahhh!’: I smash face-first into the crashmat, emitting an embarrassing squeal.... + más
30 Aug, 2020 Celina Grisi Tourism Image: Ecolodge La EstanciaEs hora de recordarENGLISH VERSIONImbalance, disconnection, despair, misunderstanding. Confinement. Time and space have been transformed. There isn’t anyone who doesn’t ask, ‘when can I go out again?’For that... + más
24 Apr, 2019 Alexis King Social issues and Sports Photos: Alexis KingHelping families across Cochabamba Sat in Don Massimo’s office, the walls of which are adorned with photos and trophies from various football teams he’s helped, he tells a story of when he first established... + más
03 Jan, 2020 Karen Gil Culture, Social issues and History & Politics Santos contemplates the space where his house was back in the 1990s, now it is full of bushes and trees. Photos: Manuel Seoane The Chiman people cannot be understood outwith the context of the fight for... + más
31 Oct, 2020 José Antonio Martinez Montaño History & Politics Photo: Tony SuárezENGLISH VERSIÓNFormal and representative democracy is not only a way of electing authorities, it is also a mechanism for imposing a political system on the population, a development model for the... + más
La pintura colonial “La virgen del cerro” es tal vez la obra pictórica más conocida del país y la que más turistas atrae. Llama profundamente la atención de los espectadores por la libre y directa disposición del autor anónimo de combinar elementos de la cultura inca... + más
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