
Sign for Singani / Petición por el Singani

Bolivian Express Cultura 29 de abril de 2021

thumbnail30 Sep, 2020 Lanny Grossman Reviews ENGLISH VERSIONOscar-Winning filmmaker Steven Soderbergh continues fight to have Singani officially recognised by the EEUU as the national spirit of BoliviaWhile filming the movie Che 12 years ago, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh (known for films such as Ocean’s 11, Traffic and Erin Brockovich), was given a bottle of Casa Real’s Black Label Singani as a gift. He immediately fell in love with... + Leer noticia completa

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Sign for Singani / Petición por el Singani

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30 Sep, 2020 Lanny Grossman Reviews ENGLISH VERSIONOscar-Winning filmmaker Steven Soderbergh continues fight to have Singani officially recognised by the EEUU as the national spirit of BoliviaWhile filming the movie Che 12 years ago, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh... + más

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