30 Sep, 2021 David Fegan The Arts and Reviews Photo: Ana DiazENGLISH VERSION Inside the fertile mind of the Bolivian musician, inventor, author and investigator Once described as ‘the best in the universe’ when it comes to Bolivia’s national-heritage instrument, Ernesto Cavour can be found playing his beloved charango and other musical creations at the Teatro del Charango in La Paz every Saturday night. I catch up with Cavour to discuss... + Leer noticia completa
Alison Copa interpreta Kurukuta La reconocida y varias veces laureada charanguista orureña, Alison Tania copa Blanco, presentó mediante las redes sociales su nuevo corte musical, una recopilación del maestro del charango, Ernesto Cavour, “Kurukuta”, que ahora se puede... + más
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