31 Aug, 2021 Rafaela Alford Social issues Photo: Poppy KoronkaENGLISH VERSIONContradictory narratives between media, State and people The sounds of shouts, horns and flares accompanying bustling crowds, road blocks and picket signs often greet daily commuters in La Paz. In Bolivia, marchas are almost impossible to avoid and can be dismissed as normality. However, in recent months, the University of El Alto’s (UPEA) demands for increased... + Leer noticia completa
30 Sep, 2020 Wilmer Machaca Social issues Illustration: Marco TóxicoENGLISH VERSIONYour time at university is shaped by the unique experiences and memories that you acquire over the course of your degree. In Bolivia, while each university has its own particular identity, all... + más
Con este anuncio, IE University se suma a la celebración del Día Mundial de la Educación, uno de los ODS de Naciones Unidas, que tendrá lugar el próximo domingo 24 de enero. IE University inaugurará IE Tower, su nueva sede vertical, tecnológica y sostenible en el Norte de... + más
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