
The Elegant Andean Condor

Bolivian Express Cultura 29 de abril de 2021

thumbnail02 Mar, 2020 Lauren Minion Social issues and Nature A female Andean Condor sweeps over herterritory in search of food, using warm aircurrents to save energy. Photos: Lauren Minion  This big bird is threatened by habitat loss and human aggressionThe Andean Condor, one of the world’s largest birds that are able to fly, weighs up to 33 kilogrammes and has a wingspan that can exceed three metres. The Andes mountain range of South America is the... + Leer noticia completa

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The Elegant Andean Condor

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02 Mar, 2020 Lauren Minion Nature and Social issues A female Andean Condor sweeps over herterritory in search of food, using warm aircurrents to save energy. Photos: Lauren Minion  This big bird is threatened by habitat loss and human aggressionThe Andean Condor, one of the... + más

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Andean Valley compromiso de la quinua boliviana con el mundo

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