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Noticias de Bolivian Express

Fundación Casari

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


24 Apr, 2019 Alexis King Social issues and Sports Photos: Alexis KingHelping families across Cochabamba Sat in Don Massimo’s office, the walls of which are adorned with photos and trophies from various football teams he’s helped, he tells a story of when he first established... + más

Parkour in La Paz

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


26 Mar, 2018 Sophia Vahdati Going Out and Sports Photo: Iván Rodriguez Petkovic The drive and philosophy of the city’s fearless tracersPrepare, run, jump, soar, reach, kick, grab knees and…’Ahhh!’: I smash face-first into the crashmat, emitting an embarrassing squeal.... + más

La memoria de los Andes y del Lago Titicaca

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


30 Aug, 2020 Celina Grisi Tourism Image: Ecolodge La EstanciaEs hora de recordarENGLISH VERSIONImbalance, disconnection, despair, misunderstanding. Confinement. Time and space have been transformed. There isn’t anyone who doesn’t ask, ‘when can I go out again?’For that... + más

The Chimanes of Maraca’tunsi, Bolivia, after their Sacred Hill was taken from them

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


03 Jan, 2020 Karen Gil Culture, Social issues and History & Politics Santos contemplates the space where his house was back in the 1990s, now it is full of bushes and trees.  Photos: Manuel Seoane  The Chiman people cannot be understood outwith the context of the fight for... + más

Democracy, Forests and Socio-diversity in Bolivia / Democracia, Bosques y Socio-diversidad en Bolivia

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


31 Oct, 2020 José Antonio Martinez Montaño History & Politics Photo: Tony SuárezENGLISH VERSIÓNFormal and representative democracy is not only a way of electing authorities, it is also a mechanism for imposing a political system on the population, a development model for the... + más

Edición Bolivia

Otra fecha

Proposals and plans for the reactivation of tourism in Bolivia / Proyección y propuestas para la reactivación del turismo en Bolivia

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


29 Aug, 2020 Andrés Aramayo Politics and Tourism Photo : Iván RodríguezENGLISH VERSIÓNLife is all about immortalising moments: savouring new flavours, feeling the breeze and the sun on your skin while you enjoy views that try to remain unspoiled by the hustle and bustle of... + más


Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


29 Aug, 2020 Alfonso Gorostiaga Nature, Tourism and Going Out Photo: Iván Rodriguez ENGLISH VERSIONWe’re told that it won’t be completely snowy until next month, but that doesn’t prevent it from being deathly cold at around 6am as we watch the sun rise in the middle of... + más

Fabio Arandia

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


30 Jun, 2020 Bx team Going Out and Food Photo: Iván RodríguezTypicaBefore Typica opened its first locale in Calacoto, coffee enthusiasts had limited options for specialty coffee. Since its inception in 2013, 7 more shops have opened across Bolivia, with branches in Cochabamba,... + más

Mitologías Imaginarias

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


11 Dec, 2019 Renata Lazcano Silva Social issues, Art and Lifestyle José imagines an animal that is a mixture of fox and eagle (11 years, Challapampa)  Photos:  Courtesy of Mateo Caballero and Natalia Peña A ‘micro revolution’ of art, education and play This story... + más


The LGBTI population of Bolivia fights for Comprehensive Sexuality Education /La población LGBTI de Bolivia, lucha por una Educación Integral en Sexualidad

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


30 Sep, 2020 David Aruquipa Social issues Photo: Iván RodríguezENGLISH VERSIONThe Plurinational State of Bolivia has a Political Constitution that recognises sexual and reproductive rights and prohibits and punishes all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation and... + más

The Village of San Lorenzo

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


31 Mar, 2020 Rinalda Aay Nature and Tourism Photos: Rinalda Aay, George Fearnley and Rhiannon MatthiasA new tour agency offers visitors a wealth of culture, food and natural beautyFifteen kilometres north of Tarija, the capital of Bolivia’s wine region, lies San Lorenzo, a... + más


Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


30 Apr, 2021 Renata Lazcano Silva Social issues Photos: Courtesy of Mateo Caballero & Natalia PeñaENGLISH VERSION A ‘micro revolution’ of art, education and play This story begins in 2018 at 4,100 metres above sea level in the small town of Challapampa, on the Isla del Sol... + más


Less plastic, please!

Bolivian Express Sociedad 29/Abr/2021


29 Oct, 2019 Renata Lazcano Silva Social issues, Urban living and Lifestyle Photo: Renata Lazcano Silva Aiming to reduce single-use plastics The plastic bag is ubiquitous in Bolivia and around the world. On average, a plastic bag is used once for no more than 15 minutes before... + más


Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


28 Feb, 2021 Valeria Dorado Nature Photo Sajama :  Arash Masoudi ENGLISH VERSION“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Bolivia is definitely the world's best kept secret, a hidden gem with undiscovered dreamy... + más


Achachilas - The making of

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


24 Jun, 2019 Achachilas The Arts, Nature and Sports Photos: Achachilas Cordillera Real. View of the Tikimani mountain from the Huayna Potosi high camp.   View from Huayna Potosí's main road. The main characters, Sergio and Juvenal Condori. They both work as mountain... + más

Books for Bolivian Kids

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


03 Jan, 2020 Rinalda Aay Culture and Art Images: Courtesy of Academia Boliviana de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, illustrations by Claudia Illanes Iturri  The Organisations Leading the Charge for Children’s Literature in Bolivia  For billions of people worldwide, reading is... + más

Carolina Gamboa y la papelería creativa | El País

Azafrán by Bolivian Express

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


30 Jun, 2020 Camila Swift Going Out and Food A photo collaboration by Azafrán Magazine, a special thanks to Alvaro Ruiz The best street and market foods This article was originally published in the issue 8 of Bolivian Express. It has been updated and re-edited. People say that... + más

A Q&A with Ella Asbún, General Manager of Gustu

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


30 Jun, 2020 Bx team Food Ella Asbún Ormachea is Bolivian, a lover of her country and passionate about gastronomy and sports. She started her university studies with a golf scholarship at Vanderbilt University and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Communication with a... + más

Studying in a public univeristy / Vivencias en la universidad pública

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


30 Sep, 2020 Wilmer Machaca Social issues Illustration: Marco TóxicoENGLISH VERSIONYour time at university is shaped by the unique experiences and memories that you acquire over the course of your degree. In Bolivia, while each university has its own particular identity, all... + más

Los Tajibos Hotel / Hotel Los Tajibos

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


29 Aug, 2020 Hotel Los Tajibos Tourism and Going Out Photos: Andres MacleanENGLISH VERSIONLos Tajibos hotel aims to breathe new life into Bolivian tourism through the campaign, Conocé Santa Cruz (Get to know Santa Cruz) Launched by the hotel in 2017, along with its business... + más


Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


24 Jun, 2019 Renata Lazcano Silva The Arts, Nature and Sports Photos: Achachilas The cinematographic mountain experience ‘We have these incredible mountains nearby. They are our jewels. People come from all around the world to do mountaineering here and we don’t even pay... + más

Kicking Down Barriers

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


19 Jul, 2017 Lily Turner Sports Photo: Fabián ZapataA Franco-Bolivian Brings Rugby to the AltiplanoI meet Jean Fontayne under the shadow of the Basilica of San Francisco, in central La Paz, on a crisp morning. We have a four-hour bus journey into the heart of the altiplano... + más

Las personas con síndrome de Down son genéticamente susceptibles a la Covid | Los Tiempos

Antes de que nos olviden

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


11 Dec, 2019 Anneli Aliaga and Marie-Eve Monette Social issues, Politics and Art Photos: Marie-Eve Monette and Archivo Página Siete  Fighting against a broken system  On the 25th of November every year since 1981, Bolivia participates in the International Day for the... + más

Yoga and Female Empowerment in Bolivia

Bolivian Express Cultura 29/Abr/2021


29 Oct, 2018 Vivian Braga Sports and Health & Science Photo: FreePikIncreasingly popular in the country, yoga offers more than just physical exerciseYoga is not gymnastics, and it’s much less a religion – it’s a philosophy of life based on physical and behavioural... + más


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