29 de abril de 2021 Página 8
29 Dec, 2020 Patricio Crooker Reviews ENGLISH VERSIONA REVIEW FROM APRIL 2020As Bolivia approaches the end of its quarantine, cases of COVID-19 in the country and the world are still growing. Government officials will be reassessing the situation to decide if the strict measures... + más
29 Oct, 2019 Silvia Saccardi Social issues, Politics and Nature Wildlife Sanctuary Ambue Ari up in flames. Ph: Raquel Izquierdo Jacoste Images: Courtesy of Inti Wara Yassi A look into the consequences of extreme forest fires caused by chaqueos Bolivia has this year... + más
28 May, 2015 Eliza Wood Social issues and Festivals PHOTO: VALERIA WILDEDía de los Perros is celebrated on August 16—the feast day of St. Roque, the 14th-century Majorcan patron saint of dogs, who was nursed back to health by a canine whilst suffering from the plague.... + más
24 Apr, 2019 Alexis King Social issues and Politics Photos: Michael Dunn Caceres A look at the opposition in this year’s Bolivian general election With the general election due to take place in late October, this year could prove to be pivotal for Bolivian politics. Evo... + más
“Open Eyes”: innovación y elegancia | Los Tiempos
PRIMERAS IMÁGENES: Ataques con misiles contra Israel | El País
30 Dec, 2020 Ivan Rodriguez Nature Photos by Ivan Rodriguez... + más
La NBA suspende de manera indefinida a Draymond Green | Los Tiempos
22 Dec, 2017 Charles Bladon Festivals Photo: Ivan Rodríguez Petkovic Exploring the quirks and staples of a Bolivian ChristmasTurkey, Christmas trees, fairy lights, snow and a warm fire: these are a few things that instantly come to my mind when the word Christmas is thrusted... + más
29 Aug, 2020 Alfonso Gorostiaga Nature and Going Out Photos: Alfonso GorostiagaENGLISH VERSIONRocklimbing in La PazThe rocks have names that correspond to their personalities; the cookie, the razor, monkey back, Bolivar Crux, the predator, champagne. In technical terms, we could... + más
30 Sep, 2020 César A. Córdova Social issues ENGLISH VERSIÓN The app that allows people to learn and revive the indigenous languages of Bolivia whilst having funThe app 'Lenguas de Bolivia' was launched in April 2019 and is the product of a team of multidisciplinary... + más
Precumbre de UNESCO: Ministro socializa acciones que promueven el “Decenio Internacional de las Lenguas Indígenas 2022 – 2032” en Bolivia | Ministerio de Educación
El Gobierno presentó el Plan Maestro del Decenio Internacional de las Lenguas Indígenas | Viceministerio de Comunicación
29 Dec, 2020 Josephine Zavaglia Art Photos: Josephine ZavagliaENGLISH VERSIONMuralism as an art form to transform the public spaces of La PazGraffiti and street art have the ability to turn a city into a tourist destination. Such is the case of Berlin, Melbourne or Valparaíso.... + más
31 Oct, 2020 Charles Bladon Politics ENGLISH VERSIONTheir fight to hold the government accountable to its people2 years ago, while in La Paz I attended the centenary of the Russian Revolution, hosted by the Trotskyist old guard, Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR). It was a... + más
BARCELONA La película White Eye, del director israelí Tomer Shushan, ha ganado en el Gran Premio en la categoría Internacional del Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes y Animación de Barcelona Mecal, que ha cerrado su vigésimo tercera edición. Según informó este... + más
11 Dec, 2019 BX Team Art Photo: Valeria Dorado − BX CollaboratorFlamingo.Coqueza, Potosí, Bolivia. Explorer during the weekends and full time manager during the week. Valeria Dorado is passionate about travel and photography. In 2017, she started her blog ‘LaLibelle’, to... + más
Solo necesitas 600 seguidores o más para recibir la función | eju!
01 Jan, 2021 Sara Aliaga Social issues A Photo essay by Sara Aliaga Ticona... + más
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