
04 de julio de 2018 Página 1


Rock Climbing in Llallagua

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


19 Jul, 2017 Daniel Johnson Tourism and Going Out Photo: Daniel JohnsonAn uncommon sport high up in the AltiplanoOn a chilly Sunday morning, we set off down a valley next to a spa near Llallagua, a town between Oruro and Potosí, to meet the climbers. Outcrops of rock rise up... + más

Escaladores orureños participaron con éxito en el "Climbing Trip El Edén" | La Patria

En sus 400 años: Se habilitan tres sitios arqueológicos como lugares turísticos en Comarapa

Notiboliviarural Cultura 04/Jul/2018


El equipo de arqueólogos de la Gobernación de Santas Cruz viene trabajando hace ocho meses para poner a punto estos lugares. Este miércoles los sitios fueron habilitados para que los turistas puedan conocer las ruinas de Tukipaya y los escalones de piedra del Camino Real o... + más

Documentan cerca de 400 sitios arqueológicos | El Diario

Singers without a stage

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


25 Jun, 2017 Yolande Rowson The Arts Illustration: Hugo L. CuéllarRegenerating the classical music scene in BoliviaEven a cursory glance around the Conservatorio Plurinacional de Música will tell you that the classical music scene in Bolivia, in spite of all odds, is alive and... + más

Calle Comercio, La Paz, Bolivia

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


29 Oct, 2017 Iván Rodriguez The Arts Are we just walking around, step after step?Or are we designers of our present, designers of something bigger?Can we avoid the victim we hold inside? Take another step, and find comfort in every blink we present.Or is our ignorance not... + más

La Illampu, la calle de tambos nacida para el comercio de La Paz | Página Siete

Fifty Years After Che

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


22 Nov, 2017 Matthew Grace History & Politics Photos: Adriana Murillo and Charles BladonGuevara’s Bolivian Legacy—and Its ContradictionsOn October 9, 1967, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, famed Marxist revolutionary, was executed by the Bolivian military (with an assist from the... + más

Edición Bolivia

Otra fecha

Feelings for the Night

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


22 Dec, 2017 Charles Bladon Going Out Photo: Esteban Terrazas Saravia La Paz. The sun dissipates and, with it, my urban trepidation. The night encroaches, accompanied by wonder and titillation. The night promises so much, the impossible seemingly possible only for one night.... + más

Airampo se proyectará en el 6 de Agosto

Cambio Cultura 04/Jul/2018


J. R. H. / Cambio La película Airampo, del director paceño Miguel Valverde, estrenada en 2008, será proyectada hoy en el Cine Teatro 6 de Agosto. La exhibición contará con la presencia del director. “Una película que te abrirá la tripa”, éste es el eslogan de... + más

Estrenos de Netflix para agosto de 2018 | eju!

De la frontera de Potosí al trópico | El Mundo

The Thorn of La Paz

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


22 Nov, 2017 Fruzsina Gál Art Photo: Iván Rodriguez PetkovicInside the mind of a Bolivian fashion designer Hidden in the deceptive mishmash of eccentric apartment blocks and the bustling traffic of the Calacoto neighborhood in La Paz’s Zona Sur district is the studio of an... + más

Performing Life Bolivia

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


23 Aug, 2017 Hannah Chukwu Art Photo: Hannah ChukwuBreathing life into young performersThe streets of the residential neighborhood Montenegro in Cochabamba are dusty, sparse and sprawling. At sunrise, the vast expanse of land is punctuated only by the silhouettes of children... + más

Partido Obrero Revolucionario

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


22 Nov, 2017 Charles Bladon Social issues and History & Politics Photo: Adriana MurilloThe old guard of Bolivian TrotskyismSince 1825, there have been 88 governments in Bolivia, with an average of 2.2 years per government. Chronic political instability has become somewhat... + más

Alcaldía de La Paz presenta videoclip Soy Paceño

Opinión Cultura 04/Jul/2018


ALCALDÍA DE LA PAZ.El videoclip de la canción Soy paceño, que refleja la fortaleza de los habitantes de La Paz y los lugares y personajes icónicos de la ciudad fue presentado la mañana de este miércoles en el Salón Rojo del Palacio Consistorial en homenaje a los 209 años... + más

'Soy paceño', el videoclip que destaca personajes y sitios icónicos de La Paz | El Deber

Christmas in Translation

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


22 Dec, 2017 Charles Bladon Festivals Photo: Ivan Rodríguez Petkovic Exploring the quirks and staples of a Bolivian ChristmasTurkey, Christmas trees, fairy lights, snow and a warm fire: these are a few things that instantly come to my mind when the word Christmas is thrusted... + más

Ballet de Bolivia

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


22 Dec, 2017 Fruzsina Gál Art Photo: Fruzsina GálRedefining the social boundaries of an artform To think of ballet is to think of a well-constructed image of a tall, slender, fair-toned dancer in front of an elegant, rich, fair-toned audience. The art of pirouettes and tutus... + más

A Greener La Paz

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


23 Aug, 2017 Daniel Johnson Social issues and Nature Photo: Courtesy of EMAVERDEEmaverde’s mission to protect and create parks in the cityLa Paz, which spreads across 472 km², is fairly big by Bolivian standards. While its little sister, El Alto, gives the impression of being... + más

La selección nacional tiene su casa en la ciudad de La Paz | Bolivisión

Chuños and Tuntas

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


23 Aug, 2017 Felix Medlock Food Photo: Iván RodriguezUnearthing Bolivia’s potato traditionsThe chuño and tunta are traditional ingredients in Bolivian cuisine used in a wide range of dishes, notably chairo, a soup consisting of vegetables, meat and chuño. The use of these... + más


Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


15 Apr, 2017 Alex Walker The Arts Photo: Nick SomersA lesson with the maestroAgustín Alonso has been busy tending to his nest. A short walk up from Plaza San Francisco, family-made instruments line his workshop like banks of exquisite wooden wallflowers, while at the far end of... + más

The CEDIB Crisis

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


23 May, 2017 Alex Walker Culture Photo: Nick Somers The Past, Present, and Future of a National ArchiveTwo months on and the noise has not yet died down. On March 21 this year, Juan Ríos, the newly appointed rector of Cochabamba’s state-run UMSS (Universidad Mayor de San... + más

Hovering above El Alto

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


17 Feb, 2017 Louise Lacourarie Urban living and Lifestyle Photo: Nick SomersMí Teleférico expands with a new route across the flats of El Alto‘The Línea Azul will definitely improve our lives. It will be much easier for me to travel and sell my products and go down to La... + más

Andean Ambrosia

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


23 May, 2017 Aida Muratoglu and Federico De Blasi Food Photo: Aida Muratoglu and Federico De BlasiCorn, family, and anti-colonial resistance in the fermented drink chichaSoft morning sunlight filters through a rectangular hole in the metal roof, a high ceiling hovering over the... + más

Andean Valley compromiso de la quinua boliviana con el mundo | Datos

Kicking Down Barriers

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


19 Jul, 2017 Lily Turner Sports Photo: Fabián ZapataA Franco-Bolivian Brings Rugby to the AltiplanoI meet Jean Fontayne under the shadow of the Basilica of San Francisco, in central La Paz, on a crisp morning. We have a four-hour bus journey into the heart of the altiplano... + más

Portrait of Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz, a symbol of Bolivia’s fight for democracy

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


22 Nov, 2017 Adriana Murillo History & Politics Illustration: Hugo L. CuellarIn the 1980s, during the dictatorships of Luis García Meza and Luis Arce Gómez, many important leaders and figures of Bolivian civil society were disappeared or assassinated, such as the Jesuit priest... + más

Total Immersion

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


25 Jun, 2017 Alex Walker Festivals and Reviews Photos: Nick Somers, William Wroblewski, Adriana Murillo The Bolivian Cult of K-Pop RevisitedBack in 2014, I wrote about and investigated the curiously popular Korean pop scene in Bolivia for BX41. I spent time with a dance troupe... + más

Muralla, una historia que desvela la trata de personas

El Deber Cultura 04/Jul/2018

Siempre trata de hacer un comentario social en cada trabajo. Y su última producción no fue la excepción de la regla.  Rodrigo ‘Gory’ Patiño está preparado para presentar su último filme, Muralla, el 20 de septiembre en todos los cines del país y el tráiler se... + más

Muralla un film sobre la trata de personas | El Día

"Muralla", la película boliviana que se acerca al mundo de la trata y tráfico - JORNADA | Jornada

Why is Bolivian chicken so orange?

Bolivian Express Cultura 04/Jul/2018


23 May, 2017 Alex Walker Food Photo: Nick Somers Big questions, small answersNow, we all know that you can’t make an omelette without cracking some eggs, and neither can you truly master investigative journalism without asking the big questions. 2017, the Year of the Rooster... + más

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